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Delegate your domain to Netlify

If your domain is registered with another provider, you can still take advantage of Netlify’s managed DNS service by delegating your domain to Netlify.

Need to delegate just a subdomain?

You can delegate a subdomain to Netlify DNS without the apex domain. Learn more in this doc.

Transfer your DNS records first!

If you have any existing records on your current DNS provider, such as MX records for email service, make sure to copy them to Netlify DNS first. This will ensure continuous service as you change providers.

Visit the DNS records page or the verified Support Guide in our Forums on migrating a domain to Netlify-managed DNS for details.

Assuming you have copied existing DNS records from your current provider, the final step to making your DNS records live is to update your domain registrar with the name servers that will be authoritative for your domain.

The process for changing your domain’s name servers varies from registrar to registrar. Check your domain registrar’s documentation for updating name servers. For your convenience, we’ve gathered links to instructions for popular registrars GoDaddy, Google Domains, AWS,, and Hover.

To delegate your domain to Netlify:

  1. In the Netlify UI, go to your team’s Domains page.
  2. Select your domain.
  3. Make note of the four name servers listed in the Name servers panel.
  4. Log in to the account you have with your domain registrar and find their instructions for updating name servers.
  5. Replace the name servers with the name servers for your Netlify DNS zone. If your registrar requires name server IP addresses, visit our Forums for a verified Support Guide on finding the IP addresses for Netlify’s name servers.

It may take up to a day for the changes to propagate to the public internet.

Next steps

Once your name server settings have propagated across the domain name system, you’re ready to start using your domain and its subdomains.

  • To use the domain or a subdomain to access a Netlify site, visit the instructions for assigning a domain to a site.
  • If you want to point your domain or a subdomain to another service, like an email provider, visit the DNS records doc for details.
  • If it’s been more than 24 hours, and your domain doesn’t seem to have propagated yet, visit the troubleshooting page for tips and resources.