Configure & deploy site /Configure builds /

Build hooks

Build hooks are URLs you can use to trigger new builds and deploys. You can find them in


Select Add build hook to create a new build hook. The build hook name is for your reference, and will display in your list of build hooks, as well as in the default deploy message for each deploy triggered by the hook.

Select a branch to build by default. Only branches which have been deployed at least once will appear in this list.

Upon saving your build hook settings, Netlify will give you a unique URL for that build hook. To trigger this hook, you need to send a POST request to that URL.

In most cases, this POST request will be sent from a service you want to integrate with Netlify, but you can also send these requests yourself. For example, you can run a curl command from your terminal:

curl -X POST -d '{}'

You can also test build hook requests with tools like Postman.


Builds must be active for build hooks to trigger builds of your site.

# Parameters

Build hooks accept the following optional URL query parameters to alter the behavior of the triggered build:

  • trigger_branch: parameter that specifies which repository branch the build will use. If the branch does not exist in your repository at the time of the build, the build will fail, with an error message in the build log.
  • trigger_title: parameter that specifies a title to replace the default deploy message in your site deploy list.
  • clear_cache: when set to true, this parameter triggers a build with a cleared cache.

Here is an example build hook URL using these parameters:

This would trigger a deploy from an existing branch called testing, with a custom message: triggered by This Awesome Service.

Deploy list item for a branch deploy from the 'testing' branch, with message, 'triggered by This Awesome Service'.

# Payload

You can send a custom payload in your build hook POST request. The contents must be passed as a string, which will be URL-encoded and made available in the triggered build as an environment variable. You can access it in the build by using the variable INCOMING_HOOK_BODY.

# Build hooks for Netlify Connect

This product is available on Enterprise plans.

When you connect a site to a data layer in Netlify Connect, Netlify automatically creates a build hook for that site. When data changes in that data layer, Netlify notifies the build hook and that automatically triggers a build and deploy of the site’s production branch.

Once you connect a site, the build hooks for the site include a Netlify Connect - Data layer build hook with the data layer ID as the value. This provides a convenient way on the site level to check whether a site is connected to a data layer. Expanding the build hook details reveals a link back to the data layer settings page.

Any deploys triggered by this build hook are labelled with Deploy triggered by Netlify Connect and include a link to the data layer that triggered the hook.

Build hooks created for Connect are not customizable or editable from the Build Hooks page. To delete a Connect-related build hook, disconnect the site from your data layer.