Configure & deploy site /Environment variables /

Get started with environment variables

Netlify offers multiple ways to securely create, update, and use environment variables for your sites.

This page outlines how to create and manage site environment variables and shared environment variables, how to use environment variables once they are declared, how to work with .env files on Netlify, and how to configure your site’s sensitive variable policy.

# Create environment variables

You can create environment variables with the Netlify UI, CLI, or API, or with a Netlify configuration file. Once you create environment variables, build and deploy your site for the additions to take effect.

# Create variables with the Netlify UI, CLI, or API

When you create environment variables using the Netlify UI, CLI, or API, they are set and securely stored on Netlify. This means you can avoid committing any sensitive values to your repository. The Netlify UI reflects any changes made using the CLI or API and vice versa.

You can create site environment variables and shared environment variables.

Be aware that variables set in a Netlify configuration file override variables set with the Netlify UI, CLI, or API.

# Site environment variables

There are three ways to create site environment variables:

  • In the Netlify UI, create site variables under . You can create variables individually or import variables from a .env file.
  • With the Netlify CLI, use env:set to create a site environment variable, and env:import to import from a .env file. Review our Get Started with Netlify CLI guide to learn more.
  • With the Netlify API, use createEnvVars to create a new site environment variable. Review our Get Started with Netlify API guide to learn more.

If a shared environment variable and a site environment variable exist with the same key name and scope, the site environment variable’s contextual values take precedence in each deploy context. In addition, variables set in the netlify.toml will override those with the same key set in the Netlify UI. Review the overrides section to learn more.

# Shared environment variables

This feature is available on Pro and Enterprise plans.

There are two ways to create shared environment variables:

  • In the Netlify UI, create shared variables under .
  • With the Netlify API, use createEnvVars to create a new shared environment variable. Review our Get Started with Netlify API guide to learn more.

Variables set at the team level are shared by all sites owned by the team. Only Team Owners can read and access shared variables through the Netlify UI, CLI, and API.

If a shared environment variable and a site environment variable exist with the same key name and scope, the site environment variable’s contextual values take precedence in each deploy context. Review the overrides section to learn more.

# Create variables with a Netlify configuration file

You can create site environment variables with a Netlify configuration file stored in your repository. This file-based configuration method allows you to set different environment variables for different deploy contexts .

Note that you can’t set scopes for variables declared using the configuration file. All variables declared using this method have the Builds and Post processing scope.

Since netlify.toml is stored in your repository, we recommend setting sensitive values with the Netlify UI, CLI, or API instead, where possible.

Here is an example of how to declare variables in netlify.toml:

# Production context: all deploys from the Production branch
# set in your site’s Branches settings in the UI will inherit
# these settings. You can define environment variables
# here but we recommend using the Netlify UI for sensitive
# values to keep them out of your source repository.
  publish = "output/"
  command = "make publish"
  environment = { NODE_VERSION = "14.15.3" }

# Here is an example of how to define context-specific
# environment variables. Be mindful when using this
# option and avoid committing sensitive values to public
# source repositories.
  NOT_PRIVATE_ITEM = "not so secret"

# Branch Deploy context: all deploys that are not from
# a pull/merge request or from the Production branch
# will inherit these settings.
  NODE_ENV = "development"

# Dev context: environment variables set here
# are available for local development environments
# run using Netlify Dev. These values can be
# overwritten on branches that have a more specific
# branch context configured.
  NODE_ENV = "development"

# Specific branch context: all deploys from
# this specific branch will inherit these settings.
[context.staging.environment] # “staging” is a branch name
  NODE_ENV = "development"

Variables set in a configuration file override variables set with the Netlify UI, CLI, or API.

# Modify and delete environment variables

There are multiple ways to edit or delete environment variables that you set using the Netlify UI, CLI, or API. Note that only Team Owners can read and modify shared variables.

Need to export your variables? Review the export variables for your .env section below.

To apply environment variable changes, build and deploy.

Environment variable changes require a build and deploy to take effect.

# Update variables with the Netlify UI

To edit or delete site environment variables:

  1. Navigate to for site environment variables or to for shared environment variables.
  2. Filter the list of variables by key name to find the variable you want to modify. Then, select the variable from the list to expand the variable details.
  3. Select or and then follow the prompts to complete your change.

# Update variables with the Netlify CLI or API

You can use the Netlify CLI to update site environment variables and the Netlify API to update both site and shared environment variables.

  • With the Netlify CLI, use env:set to update a site environment variable, env:import to import from an updated .env file, and env:unset to delete a site environment variable and all of its contextual values.
  • With the Netlify API, use updateEnvVar to update all values for an environment variable, setEnvVarValue to update or create a single value for an existing variable, deleteEnvVar to delete a variable and all of its values, or deleteEnvVarValue to delete a specific value.

Review our Get Started with Netlify CLI guide and our Get Started with Netlify API guide to learn more.

# Use environment variables

Once you’ve created environment variables, there are many different ways you can use them:

If you inject values into the site using a build script or snippet injection, make sure to only include non-sensitive values.

# Work with .env files

When you build on Netlify, the build system does not read .env files. Instead, you can import the variables from your .env file into Netlify before you build. This way your environment variables remain secure and out of your shared repository.

For local builds, the Netlify CLI will read the .env files you have stored in your local environment. These variables will therefore be available to your site for use.

Using Netlify configuration variables in .env files for your framework

If your framework references your .env file during the build step and you need to use Netlify’s configuration or read-only variables, review our docs on how to add Netlify variable values to your .env.

# Import variables from .env files

We recommend that you import the variables from your .env file into Netlify so that they are available during the build step. You can import environment variables using the Netlify UI or the Netlify CLI.

Environment variables in a .env file are formatted as key-value pairs. That is, a list of variables where each variable is on a new line and is formatted with the key name, followed by an equals sign, and then the value.

A single .env file represents the variables for a specific environment. Here is an example of a production .env file:

YOUR_API_KEY=a production secret

To learn more about the parsing rules the Netlify UI and CLI follow for .env imports, review the dotenv docs.

# Import variables with the Netlify UI

With the Netlify UI, you can import a .env file to your site environment variables or shared environment variables.

Imported variables are merged with existing environment variables. If existing variables have any of the key names in the .env file you’re importing, you can specify how Netlify should handle those conflicts.

  1. Navigate to for site environment variables or to for shared environment variables.
  2. Select .
  3. Copy the contents of your .env file into the form.
  4. Set the Scopes and Deploy contexts to use for these variables and values. All variables imported through this form submission will have the same scope and deploy context settings.
  5. If the variables to import include keys that conflict with existing variables, a Merge strategy section will appear in the form. You can choose to either Skip conflicts and ignore any new values, or Update conflicts and set new contextual values for the existing variables.
  6. Select Import variables to add the variables.

Scope changes may be ignored for environment variable conflicts

Scope changes only apply to existing variables when you select All deploy contexts to apply the same value for use across all deploy contexts. If an environment variable already exists with the same key name and you’re adding specific contextual values with this import, changes to the scope will be ignored.

# Import variables with the Netlify CLI

Use the Netlify CLI command env:import to import environment variables from a .env file.

As the CLI works on a site level, you can only use it to import site environment variables. The imported variables are set to all scopes and with the same value for all deploy contexts.

By default, environment variables you import are merged with any existing ones on Netlify. If you would rather remove all existing variables and replace them with what is in the imported file, use the --replace-existing flag. For example:

# Warning: using the --replace-existing flag will delete all
# existing variables and keep only those imported from the .env
netlify env:import .env --replace-existing

# Export variables for .env files

If you would like to export variables set and stored on Netlify, you can export them in .env format using the Netlify UI or the Netlify CLI.

# Export variables with the Netlify UI

As .env files include variables for a specific environment, you can export environment variables from the Netlify UI for each deploy context.

  1. Navigate to for site environment variables or to for shared environment variables.
  2. Select a deploy context in the Context filter.
  3. Select the clipboard icon to copy the filtered list in .env format to your clipboard.
  4. Paste the results in your local .env file or import the variables into another Netlify site.

# Export variables with the Netlify CLI

You can export environment variables for each deploy context using the Netlify CLI command env:list --plain. With the --plain flag, the CLI outputs the results in plain text format that you can copy into your .env file locally.

By default, only those values set for the Local development (Netlify CLI) deploy context are output. To export the values from another deploy context, use the --context flag.

For example, to export all of the production deploy context values in .env format, use this command:

# list the production deploy context values in .env format
netlify env:list --plain --context production

# list the production deploy context values in .env format
# and pipe results into a .env file
netlify env:list --plain --context production > .env

# Sensitive variable policy

Some environment variables you may want to keep private. This can pose a challenge for sites connected to public repositories, where anyone can trigger a Deploy Preview by making a pull/merge request from a fork. Deploys from people, automated services, or bots from outside your Netlify team (unrecognized authors) are always treated as untrusted deploys.

Site members’ deploys are trusted

Git provider accounts connected to a site member can trigger deploys without restrictions, even from forks. If a site member’s deploys are being treated as untrusted, make sure they connect their Git provider account to their Netlify user.

Netlify allows you to control whether untrusted deploys can access sensitive environment variables by choosing a sensitive variable policy. The policy is only available for sites connected to public repositories, and it includes the following options:

  • Require approval (default): policy that requires all untrusted deploys to be approved by a site member before the build can start. Deploys awaiting approval can be found at the top of the deploy list on the site Deploys tab. Accepting or rejecting a deploy request does not affect the status of the originating pull/merge request.

    deploy list entry for an untrusted deploy request, including the Deploy Preview number, Git author username, link to review changes, and buttons to accept or reject.

  • Deploy without sensitive variables: policy that lets untrusted deploys build automatically, but variables identified as sensitive will not be passed to the deploy environment. You can adjust your site code to accommodate builds without sensitive variables present, or you can declare “public” variable values for the deploy-preview context.

  • Deploy without restrictions: policy that treats untrusted deploys like any other Deploy Preview, building automatically with all variables present. Use this option only if you are not concerned about the potential exposure of any of your site’s environment variables.

By default, when Netlify detects potentially sensitive environment variables in your site configuration, we automatically apply the default setting above, requiring approval for all untrusted deploys. For customers using Netlify’s Secrets Controller feature, all environment variables marked as Contains secret values are included in the sensitive variable policy enforcement.

You can change this policy at any time in


Sensitive variable policy for GitHub Enterprise Server or GitLab self-managed

Because GitHub Enterprise Server and GitLab self-managed instances enable a higher degree of access control, we treat all repositories from these instances as private. This means you won’t be able to set a sensitive variable policy for a site linked to a GitHub Enterprise Server or GitLab self-managed repository.

# Deploy request notifications

When your sensitive variable policy is set to require approval for all untrusted deploys, you can add deploy notifications to trigger when a deploy request is pending, approved, or rejected. Visit the deploy notifications doc to learn more about the types of notifications available and how to configure them.