Configure & deploy site /Forms /

Forms usage and billing

You can check your Forms service usage under

. This shows your current usage level and tracks your usage of the following services:

  • Submissions: This counts the total number of verified form submissions across all forms on your site during this billing period.
  • File uploads: This tracks the total storage size of all files uploaded through verified form submissions to your site during the current billing period.

For paid plans, Forms pricing is metered on a per-site basis and scales with usage. When usage reaches a level limit, the site will automatically upgrade to the next level or package. Free tier accounts are also metered based on usage and have a limit.

# Change levels

Any team member with the ability to change the configuration for your site can also change levels for services on that site.

To do this, go to

, and select Change level. Level fees will be prorated and charged at the end of the billing cycle, to the team’s payment method.

# More usage and billing resources