Site & team management /Monitor sites /


Netlify provides a variety of custom and default notifications to help you monitor your sites.

# Slack notifications

Set up Slack notifications for your team or site’s activity with the Netlify App for Slack, which allows you to track changes to:

You can create subscriptions with this app to track changes to:

  • DNS zone and domain events
  • Netlify team configuration changes
  • Netlify team membership events
  • Deploy state changes. You can refine these events by deploy context or deploy state
  • Environment variable events
  • Form submissions
  • Site configuration changes
  • Netlify Drawer activity

# Deploy notifications

Set up deploy notifications to track a specific site’s deploy activity. Send deploy notifications to email, a pull/merge request, or an external web service. Note that you can also get notified of deploy state changes in Slack.

For example, you can send notifications for these deploy events:

  • Deploy started
  • Deploy succeeded
  • Deploy failed
  • Deploy deleted
  • Deploy locked
  • Deploy unlocked
  • Previously successful deploy failed
  • Previously failed deploy succeeded

For a full list of deploy events supported by Deploy notifications, check out the Deploy notifications docs.

# Form notifications

Form submission notifications inform you about new verified form submissions. You can configure notifications for individual forms or for all forms on your site.

Note that you can also get notified of form submissions in Slack.

# Build settings notifications

If you stop or activate builds for your site, Netlify will notify all site members by email.

# Usage and billing notifications

By default, Netlify sends site add-on usage notifications when any site add-on is enabled, as usage for a metered feature approaches level limits, and more. These are sent to the billing email you set for your team.