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How Site Analytics works

Data for Site Analytics comes from our Content Delivery Network (CDN) server logs. Since there’s no client-side code involved, the performance of your site doesn’t suffer. This also means that data integrity isn’t affected when your visitors use ad blockers or disable JavaScript. Because site activity is tracked anonymously without cookies or personally identifying information, Site Analytics is fully GDPR compliant.

We update Site Analytics data on an hourly basis. You will need to refresh your browser to load the updates. To ensure the accuracy of your Site Analytics data, we never use sampling.

# Chart data

The Pageviews, Top locations, and Top pages charts include only responses with Content-Type: text/html and a status code of 200, 201, or 304. We filter the data by status code this way so that we don’t count errors or double count redirects. This also applies to the Pageviews total for your site.

By default, the Unique visitors chart counts different IP addresses engaging with your site within a single day. If someone loads pages of your site on multiple different days, they will be counted as a unique visitor for each day. If you select the 24 hours filter, then the chart will plot different IP addresses engaging with your site within a single hour. If someone loads pages of your site during multiple different hours, they will be counted as a unique visitor for each hour. The Total unique visitors for your site will typically be less than the sum of daily or hourly values because the total counts IP addresses that are unique across the whole charted time period.

The Top locations chart tracks the total number of pageviews served for your site in each location. The table provides a summary of the locations that have had the most pageviews, while the map highlights all locations that have had at least one pageview.

The Top resources not found chart includes all types of content. You can use it to discover pages in addition to requests for images, text files, and other non-HTML assets that have returned the most 404 errors for your site.

Bandwidth used tracks all visitor traffic including 304 responses and 404 errors. This does not include Netlify activity such as building and deploying your site.