Platform /How we release /

Release phases

As part of the product lifecycle, Netlify offers features and functionality at different stages of development. Features may go through all phases or just some. The product lifecycle covers everything from significant new services on our platform to minor updates like a new flag in our command line interface (CLI). This page serves as a reference to define each release phase.

# Beta

Beta features are still under development. They are ready for testing and use in projects that are not mission critical. Netlify uses two beta release phases: private and public.

# Private beta

Private beta features are enabled individually for selected users or teams with internal approval. Netlify uses this phase to gather qualitative feedback to guide development. Certain private beta features may use Netlify Labs to enable access. Outages within the feature or sites using the feature are possible, but these should not impact other sites or systems. Breaking changes are likely to occur.

# Public beta

Features in public beta are available to all users, although certain features or functionality may be available only for teams on specific pricing plans. Netlify uses the public beta phase to gather higher-volume qualitative feedback, aggregate usage data, and perform error monitoring. Features in public beta may be automatically enabled for all users, or they may require opting in through Netlify Labs or another mechanism. Although we aim for production quality and stability, they aren’t guaranteed at this release phase. Bugs are expected, and breaking changes are possible.

# Early access

When we’re making significant changes and improvements to an existing feature, we may make an Early Access version of the feature available for users to opt-in and start using early. Each Early Access feature may have its own specific opt-in or rollout process.

# General availability

At the general availability phase, features are production-ready for mission critical applications. They meet Netlify standards for production quality and stability and abide by our service-level agreements. Breaking changes are unlikely and require significant prior notice.

Versioned services such as Netlify CLI, Netlify REST API, and related clients and SDKs follow semantic versioning. While there are multiple releases available for these services, we recommend that you use the latest version.

# Deprecated

A feature or functionality marked as deprecated is still available, but we don’t recommend its continued use or adoption for new use cases. Before any deprecated feature reaches end of service, Netlify provides time and guidance to migrate off. While breaking changes are unlikely until a service is shut down, there may be degraded quality and stability during a deprecation period.

# End of service

A feature at the end of service phase is no longer available or supported.