With Netlify Blobs, you can store and retrieve blobs and unstructured data. You can also use this feature as a simple key/value store or basic database.
Netlify Blobs is a highly-available data store optimized for frequent reads and infrequent writes.
For maximum flexibility, it offers a configurable consistency model. If multiple write calls to the same key are issued, the last write wins.
We automatically handle provisioning, configuration, and access control for you. This integrated zero-configuration solution helps you focus on building business value in your project rather than toil on setting up and scaling a separate blob storage solution.
Each blob belongs to a single site. A site can have multiple namespaces for blobs. We call these stores. This allows you to, for example, have the key nails exist as an object in a store for beauty and separately as an object in a store for construction with different data. Every blob must be associated with a store, even if a site is not using multiple namespaces.
You can perform CRUD operations for Netlify Blobs from the following Netlify features:
Netlify Blobs is a platform primitive that developers and frameworks can use as a building block for many different purposes. Here are a few examples of powerful patterns that you can use:
Data store for functions. With Background Functions, you can trigger asynchronous serverless workflows for long-running operations like generating a site map, processing media assets, or sending emails in bulk. You can then use Netlify Blobs to persist the output of those computations.
Processing user uploads. If your application takes user submissions, like reviews on a product page or image files for a gallery, Netlify Blobs can store that data. When paired with Functions or Edge Functions, you can create an endpoint to receive an upload, validate the contents, and persist the validated data.
metadata (optional): a JSON object with arbitrary metadata to attach to the object
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const construction =getStore("construction");await construction.set("nails","For general carpentry");const beauty =getStore("beauty");await beauty.set("nails","For formal events",{
metadata:{ material:"acrylic", sale:true},});returnnewResponse("Nail blobs set for Construction and Beauty stores");};
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/edge-functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const construction =getStore("construction");await construction.set("nails","For general carpentry");const beauty =getStore("beauty");await beauty.set("nails","For formal events",{
metadata:{ material:"acrylic", sale:true},});returnnewResponse("Nail blobs set for Construction and Beauty stores");};
import{ getDeployStore }from"@netlify/blobs";exportconstonPostBuild=async()=>{const construction =getDeployStore("construction");await construction.set("nails","For general carpentry");const beauty =getDeployStore("beauty");await beauty.set("nails","For formal events",{metadata:{material:"acrylic",sale:true},});
console.log("Nail blobs set for this deploy in Construction and Beauty stores");};
metadata (optional): a JSON object with arbitrary metadata to attach to the object
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const construction =getStore("construction");await construction.setJSON("nails",{ type:"common", finish:"bright"});returnnewResponse("Nail blob set in JSON for Construction store");};
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/edge-functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const construction =getStore("construction");await construction.setJSON("nails",{ type:"common", finish:"bright"});returnnewResponse("Nail blob set in JSON for Construction store");};
import{ getDeployStore }from"@netlify/blobs";exportconstonPostBuild=async()=>{const construction =getDeployStore("construction");await construction.setJSON("nails",{type:"common",finish:"bright"});
console.log("Nail blob set in JSON for this deploy");};
consistency (optional): a string representing the consistency model for the operation
type (optional): the format in which the object should be returned — the default format is a string but you can specify one of the following values instead:
consistency (optional): a string representing the consistency model for the operation
etag (optional): an opaque quoted string, possibly prefixed by a weakness indicator, representing the ETag value of any version of this blob you may have cached — this allows you to do conditional requests
type (optional): the format in which the object should be returned — the default format is a string but you can specify one of the following values instead:
text: default, returns the entry as a string of plain text
It returns an object with the following properties:
data: the blob contents in the format specified by the type parameter, or null if the etag property is the same as the etag parameter (meaning the cached object is still fresh)
etag: an opaque quoted string, possibly prefixed by a weakness indicator, representing the ETag value of the object
metadata: object with arbitrary metadata
If an object with the given key is not found, null is returned.
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{// Mock implementation of a system for locally persisting blobs and their etagsconst cachedETag =getFromMockCache("nails");const beauty =getStore("beauty");// Get entry from the blob store only if its ETag is different from the one you// have locally, which means the entry has changed since you last retrieved it.// Compare the whole value including surrounding quotes and any weakness prefix.const{ data, etag }=await beauty.getWithMetadata("nails",{
etag: cachedETag,});if(etag === cachedETag){// `data` is `null` because the local blob is freshreturnnewResponse("Still fresh");}// `data` contains the new blob, store it locally alongside the new ETagwriteInMockCache("nails", data, etag);returnnewResponse("Updated");};
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/edge-functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{// Mock implementation of a system for locally persisting blobs and their etagsconst cachedETag =getFromMockCache("nails");const beauty =getStore("beauty");// Get entry from the blob store only if its ETag is different from the one you// have locally, which means the entry has changed since you last retrieved it.// Compare the whole value including surrounding quotes and any weakness prefix.const{ data, etag }=await beauty.getWithMetadata("nails",{
etag: cachedETag,});if(etag === cachedETag){// `data` is `null` because the local blob is freshreturnnewResponse("Still fresh");}// `data` contains the new blob, store it locally alongside the new ETagwriteInMockCache("nails", data, etag);returnnewResponse("Updated");};
You can use object metadata to create client-side expiration logic. To delete blobs you consider expired, do the following:
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const beauty =getStore("beauty");// Set the entry with an `expiration` metadata propertyawait beauty.set("nails","For formal events",{
expiration:newDate("2024-01-01").getTime()}});// Read the entry and compare the `expiration` metadata// property against the current timestampconst entry =await beauty.getWithMetadata("nails");if(entry ===null){returnnewResponse("Blob does not exist");}const{ expiration }= entry.metadata;// If the expiration date is in the future, it means// the blob is still fresh, so return itif(expiration && expiration < Date.now()){returnnewResponse(entry.data);}// Delete the expired entryawait beauty.delete("nails");returnnewResponse("Blob has expired");};
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/edge-functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const beauty =getStore("beauty");// Set the entry with an `expiration` metadata propertyawait beauty.set("nails","For formal events",{
expiration:newDate("2024-01-01").getTime()}});// Read the entry and compare the `expiration` metadata// property against the current timestampconst entry =await beauty.getWithMetadata("nails");if(entry ===null){returnnewResponse("Blob does not exist");}const{ expiration }= entry.metadata;// If the expiration date is in the future, it means// the blob is still fresh, so return itif(expiration && expiration < Date.now()){returnnewResponse(entry.data);}// Delete the expired entryawait beauty.delete("nails");returnnewResponse("Blob has expired");};
Retrieves the metadata for an object, if the object exists.
This method is useful to check if a blob exists without actually retrieving it and having to download a potentially large blob over the network.
getMetadata(key, { consistency?, etag?, type? })
It takes the following parameters:
key: a string representing the object key
consistency (optional): a string representing the consistency model for the operation
etag (optional): an opaque quoted string, possibly prefixed by a weakness indicator, representing the ETag value of any version of this blob you may have cached — this allows you to do conditional requests
type (optional): the format in which the object should be returned — the default format is a string but you can specify one of the following values instead:
directories (optional): a boolean that indicates whether keys with the / character should be treated as directories, returning a list of sub-directories at a given level rather than all the keys inside them
paginate (optional): a boolean that specifies whether you want to handle pagination manually — by default, it is handled automatically
prefix (optional): a string for filtering down the entries; when specified, only the entries whose key starts with that prefix are returned
It returns an object with the following properties:
blobs: an array of blobs that match the query parameters, shown as objects with etag and key properties, which represent an object’s ETag value and key, respectively
directories: an array of strings representing any directories matching the query parameters
Optionally, you can group blobs together under a common prefix and then browse them hierarchically when listing a store. This is similar to grouping files in a directory. To browse hierarchically, do the following:
Group keys hierarchically with the / character in your key names.
List entries hierarchically with the directories parameter.
Drill down into a specific directory with the prefix parameter.
Note that the prefix includes a trailing slash. This ensures that only entries under the cats directory are returned. Without a trailing slash, other keys like catsuit would also be returned.
For performance reasons, the server groups results into pages of up to 1,000 entries. By default, the list method automatically retrieves all pages, meaning you’ll always get the full list of results.
To handle pagination manually, set the paginate parameter to true. This makes list return an AsyncIterator, which lets you take full control over the pagination process. This means you can fetch only the data you need when you need it.
For performance reasons, the server groups results into pages of up to 1,000 stores. By default, the listStores method automatically retrieves all pages, meaning you’ll always get the full list of results.
To handle pagination manually, set the paginate parameter to true. This makes listStores return an AsyncIterator, which lets you take full control over the pagination process. This means you can fetch only the data you need when you need it.
Deletes an object with the given key, if one exists.
It takes the following parameters:
key: a string representing the object key
The return value is always undefined, regardless of whether an object was actually deleted.
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const construction =getStore("construction");await construction.delete("nails");const beauty =getStore("beauty");await beauty.delete("nails");returnnewResponse("Nail blobs deleted from Construction and Beauty stores");};
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/edge-functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const construction =getStore("construction");await construction.delete("nails");const beauty =getStore("beauty");await beauty.delete("nails");returnnewResponse("Nail blobs deleted from Construction and Beauty stores");};
import{ getDeployStore }from"@netlify/blobs";exportconstonPostBuild=async()=>{const construction =getDeployStore("construction");await construction.delete("nails");const beauty =getDeployStore("beauty");await beauty.delete("nails");
console.log("Nail blobs deleted for this deploy from Construction and Beauty stores");};
With file-based uploads, you can write blobs to deploy-specific stores after the build completes and before the deploy starts. This can be useful for authors of frameworks and other tools integrating with Netlify as it does not require a build plugin.
To make file-based uploads, place blob files in .netlify/blobs/deploy in your site’s base directory. Netlify uploads these files to blob storage maintaining their directory structure. Here is an example file tree:
By default, the Netlify Blobs API uses an eventual consistency model, where data is stored in a single region and cached at the edge for fast access across the globe. When a blob is added, it becomes globally available immediately. Updates and deletions are guaranteed to be propagated to all edge locations within 60 seconds.
You can configure this behavior and opt-in to strong consistency with the Netlify Blobs API, either for an entire store or for individual read operations. Netlify CLI always uses strong consistency.
Choosing the right consistency model depends on your use case and each option comes with tradeoffs:
if it’s important for your application that updates and deletions become immediately available to all readers, you should consider using strong consistency, which comes with the cost of slower reads
if that is not a hard requirement and you’re optimizing for fast reads, you should consider using eventual consistency
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const store =getStore({ name:"animals", consistency:"strong"});await store.set("dog","🐶");// This is a strongly-consistent read.const dog =await store.get("dog");returnnewResponse(dog);};
import{ getStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const store =getStore("animals");await store.set("dog","🐶");// This is an eventually-consistent read.const dog1 =await store.get("dog");// This is a strongly-consistent read.const dog2 =await store.get("dog",{ consistency:"strong"});returnnewResponse(dog1 + dog2);};
You can store sensitive data with Netlify Blobs. To keep your data secure, we encrypt your blobs at rest and in transit.
Your blobs can only be accessed through your own site. You are responsible for making sure the code you use to access your blobs doesn’t allow data to leak. We recommend that you consider the following best practices:
Do not allow incoming requests for arbitrary keys if you have sensitive data. Treat user input as unsafe and scope your keys with something that callers cannot tamper with.
The namespaces you make with getStore are shared across all deploys of your site. This is required when using Netlify CLI and desirable for most use cases with functions and edge functions because it means that a new production deploy can read previously written data without you having to replicate blobs for each new production deploy. This also means you can test your Deploy Previews with production data. This does, however, mean that you should be careful to avoid scenarios such as a branch deploy deleting blobs that your published deploy depends on.
As mentioned above, build plugins and file-based uploads must write to deploy-specific stores. This requirement makes it so that a deploy that fails cannot overwrite production data.
To make a deploy-specific namespace with the Netlify Blobs API, use the getDeployStore method.
import{ getDeployStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const store =getDeployStore("construction");await store.set("nails","For general carpentry");returnnewResponse("Nail blob set for this deploy");};
import{ getDeployStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/edge-functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const store =getDeployStore("construction");await store.set("nails","For general carpentry");returnnewResponse("Nail blob set for this deploy");};
import{ getDeployStore }from"@netlify/blobs";exportconstonPostBuild=async()=>{const store =getDeployStore("construction");await store.set("nails","For general carpentry");
console.log("Nail blob set for this deploy");};
In general, blobs in deploy-specific stores are managed by Netlify like other atomic deploy assets. This means they’re kept in sync with their relative deploys if you do a rollback and that they’re cleaned up with automatic deploy deletion.
By default, deploy-specific stores are located in the same region that your functions have been configured to run in. For a list of available regions, check out these region docs.
You can also manually specify which region to connect to, regardless of your function’s region, by passing the region as an option when using the getDeployStore method.
import{ getDeployStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const store =getDeployStore({ name:"construction", region:"ap-southeast-2"})await store.set("nails","For general carpentry");returnnewResponse("Nail blob set for this deploy");};
import{ getDeployStore }from"@netlify/blobs";importtype{ Context }from"@netlify/edge-functions";exportdefaultasync(req: Request, context: Context)=>{const store =getDeployStore({ name:"construction", region:"ap-southeast-2"})await store.set("nails","For general carpentry");returnnewResponse("Nail blob set for this deploy");};
import{ getDeployStore }from"@netlify/blobs";exportconstonPostBuild=async()=>{const store =getDeployStore({name:"construction",region:"ap-southeast-2"})await store.set("nails","For general carpentry");
console.log("Nail blob set for this deploy");};
Keep the following requirements in mind while working with Netlify Blobs:
Netlify Blobs uses the web platform fetch() to make HTTP calls, so Fetch API support is required. This is included with Node.js 18. If for some reason you can’t use Node.js 18, you can provide your own Fetch API support by supplying a fetch property to the getStore or getDeployStore method.
Keep the following rules in mind when creating namespaces and blobs:
Store names cannot include the / character.
Store names cannot include the : character.
Store names cannot exceed 64 bytes.
Empty keys are not supported.
Object keys can include any Unicode characters.
Object keys cannot start with the / character.
Object keys cannot exceed 600 bytes.
An individual object’s total size cannot exceed 5 GB.
An individual object’s metadata size cannot exceed 2 KB.
Most characters use 1 byte
Most Unicode characters with UTF-8 encoding take 1 byte. So, for convenience, you can think of the above size limits as roughly a 64-character limit for store names and a 600-character limit for object keys. But, be aware that some characters take more than one byte. For example, à takes 2 bytes.
Keep the following limitations in mind when working with Netlify Blobs:
Functions written in Go cannot access Netlify Blobs.
Cross-site blob access is not allowed. To share data between sites, you can use a rewrite on site A to a path on site B that pulls data from site B’s blobs.
Local development with Netlify Dev uses a sandboxed local store that does not support file-based uploads. You cannot read production data during local development.
Netlify Blobs is not currently supported as part of our HIPAA-compliant hosting offering. For more information, visit our Trust Center and download our reference architecture for HIPAA-compliant composable sites on Netlify.
Last write wins. If two overlapping calls try to write the same object, the last write wins. Netlify Blobs does not include a concurrency control mechanism. To manage the potential for race conditions, you can build an object-locking mechanism into your application.
Store access depends on @netlify/blobs module version. If you wrote to site-wide stores with @netlify/blobs version 6.5.0 or earlier, and you then upgrade the module to a more recent version, you will no longer be able to access data in those stores. This is due to an internal change to namespacing logic. You can migrate affected stores by running the following command in the project directory using the latest version of the Netlify CLI.
netlify recipes blobs-migrate YOUR_STORE_NAME
This makes the migrated store accessible with @netlify/blobs module version 7.0.0 and later.