Configure & deploy site /Environment variables /

Environment variables overview

Netlify environment variables allow you to configure your site’s build and functionality based on different parameters and deploy contexts.

This page describes the different environment variable options at Netlify, their override rules, limitations, and how to get started.

# Environment variables at Netlify

Netlify offers a few different options for how you can configure and use environment variables:

  • There are two types of environment variables: shared environment variables that are available to all sites in your team and site environment variables set for specific sites. Site environment variables can override shared environment variables.
  • Environment variables have a key name, scope, and one or more contextual values. At Netlify, an environment variable’s contextual value is the value set for a specific deploy context. By default, environment variables are available to all scopes and have the same value for all deploy contexts.
  • You can mark environment variables as Contains secret values for additional access restrictions and security features with our Secrets Controller feature.
  • Netlify provides a set of configuration variables and read-only variables for use during the build process.
  • There is a sensitive variable policy that you can configure to control access to sensitive variables for sites connected to public repositories.
  • You can use the Netlify CLI and the Netlify API to access and modify environment variables stored on Netlify. Any updates made using the CLI or API will be reflected in the Netlify UI.
  • The Netlify UI offers the ability to review environment variables at a glance and to filter variables by key name, scope, and deploy context. Once you add a deploy context filter, you can use the Netlify UI to copy the filtered data in .env format.
  • All environment variable changes made in the Netlify UI, CLI, and API are captured in the team audit log so you can keep track of any variables that you and other team members create, modify, or delete.

For example, you can use the Netlify UI, CLI, or API to configure an environment variable that only functions can use and that has one value for use with production and another value for Deploy Previews:

  • Key: API_KEY
  • Scope: Functions
  • Values:
    • Production: a production secret
    • Deploy Previews: a non-production secret

Example list of environment variables with scopes and contextual values in the Netlify UI

# Configuration options and limitations

Netlify supports two ways of setting and storing environment variables — with the Netlify UI, CLI, or API, or with a Netlify configuration file. Depending on which method you use, there are different environment variable options available.

We recommend using the Netlify UI, CLI, or API, where possible, to avoid storing sensitive values in your repository.

Netlify UI, CLI, or API Netlify configuration file
Stored on Netlify
Stored in your repository
Set site environment variables
Set shared environment variables
Set a single value that is available to all deploy contexts
Set a different value for each deploy context
Set specific scopes for variables
Available to builds
Available to Functions, Edge Functions, and On-demand Builders
Available to snippet injection
Available to forms
Available to signed proxy redirects
Changes captured in team audit log

# Value per deploy context

By default, environment variables have one value that is available to all deploy contexts. Alternatively, you can choose to set a different value for each of the following deploy contexts:

  • Production: for the main site’s deployment.
  • Deploy Previews: for previews we build for your pull/merge requests.
  • Branch deploys: for all branch deploys. You can override this value on individual branches using a Branch value, outlined below.
  • Dev server: for any dev servers running for that site. By default, this context inherits all values defined for Local development.
  • Local development: for local development using the Netlify CLI.

You also have the option to set a Branch value for use on a specific branch, such as staging or docs. Optionally, you can target all branches matching a prefix, by adding a wildcard at the end of the branch name, for example release/* will match release/1.0, release/alpha-0.1, and so on. The Branch value will be used for deploy permalinks, Deploy Previews, and branch deploys for the specified branch.

At Netlify, the value set for a specific deploy context is sometimes referred to as the environment variable’s contextual value.

The ability to set contextual values opens up more possibilities for how you can leverage environment variables on Netlify. For example:

  • Analytics or experiments you wish to run only on the live site in production
  • Modifying which CMS environment to use for production versus Deploy Previews
  • Adding new functionality that requires a specific token and testing the change in a Deploy Preview before it goes live

# Scopes

This feature is available on Pro and Enterprise plans.

By default, environment variables apply to all scopes. Alternatively, you can limit variables to one or more of the following scopes:

By making variables available only to the scopes that need them, such as builds only or functions only, you can more tightly control where Netlify uses your sensitive data and avoid hitting any value limits for certain scopes.

# Overrides

There are a few overrides to be aware of:

  • Environment variables set in netlify.toml override environment variables set with the same key name using the Netlify UI, CLI, and API.
  • If a site environment variable and a shared environment variable exist with the same key name, the site environment variable takes precedence for each of its scopes and for each deploy context it has a value for.
  • If you set environment variable values for different deploy contexts, the deploy context precedence rules apply.

For example, if you use the Netlify UI to declare the following environment variables:

Variable type Key Scope Contextual values
Shared GREETING all
  • Production: hello
  • Deploy Previews: konnichiwa
  • Branch:staging: bonjour
Site GREETING builds
  • Production: aloha
  • Branch deploys: guten tag

The following values will be used for GREETING:

Scope Deploy context Contextual value
Builds Production aloha
Functions Production hello
Builds Deploy Previews konnichiwa
Builds Branch deploy for branch staging bonjour
Builds Branch deploys for all other branches except for staging guten tag
Functions Local development (Netlify CLI) undefined

# Limitations

The following limitations apply for environment variables:

  • Reserved variable names. Netlify offers some read-only environment variables for builds and functions. The keys used by these read-only variables are reserved by Netlify. You can’t override these variables or their values.
  • Accepted characters. Keys can only include alphanumeric characters and underscores, and the first character must be a letter. For example, KEY1 is valid but 1KEY and _KEY1 are not valid.
  • Character and value limits. Keys can contain up to 255 characters, and values can contain up to 5,000 characters. Values used by functions should fall within AWS’s environment property limits.
  • Shared variable access limitations. Only Team Owners can read and edit shared environment variable values.

# Get started

We recommend you start using environment variables at Netlify by taking the following steps:

  1. Add and set site environment variables or shared environment variables with the Netlify UI.
  2. Once you add a few variables, try to access or update your variables with the Netlify CLI or the API endpoints.
  3. Update your site code or configuration to use environment variables during the build process, in functions, and more.
  4. If your site is connected to a public repository, review your sensitive variable policy settings to control whether untrusted deploys can access sensitive environment variables.
  5. Check the team audit log to review changes as you work with environment variables.

# More environment variables resources

Create environment variables

Create environment variables with the Netlify UI, CLI, or API

Site environment variables

Shared environment variables

Create environment variables with a Netlify configuration file

Sensitive variable policy

Use environment variables