Frameworks /Framework support /Next.js /Version 10-13.4 /

Next.js Middleware on Netlify

Next.js 10-13.4

The information on this page applies to Next.js version 10-13.4 and Next.js Runtime v4, which is currently in maintenance support.

Visit our Next.js Runtime v5 docs for info on Next.js 13.5 or later.

Netlify has expanded on Next.js Middleware to give you more options during development. With @netlify/next, you get access to enhanced request and response features through an intuitive API.

Netlify’s Next.js Advanced Middleware, available in the @netlify/next library, gives improved access to requests and responses. This is similar to Netlify Edge Functions, but with some additional Next.js-specific helpers. @netlify/next is separate from Next.js Runtime and you need to install it in your project to use it.

# Next.js Middleware

Next.js 12 introduced Middleware and enabled changing headers, rewriting the request path, or returning a different response entirely. Netlify fully supports Next.js Middleware and runs it either in an Edge Function or at the origin. Edge Functions are highly recommended for Next.js 12.2 or later, as ISR will not work with earlier versions.

# Deploy Next.js Middleware on Netlify

Next.js Middleware works out of the box with Netlify, and most functions will work unchanged. Visit the Middleware docs for details of how to create Middleware functions.

# Netlify Edge Functions and Middleware

By default, Next.js Middleware on Netlify uses Edge Functions to connect the Netlify platform and workflow with an open runtime standard at the network edge. If you don’t want to use Edge Functions for your Middleware, you can opt out.

Note that the @netlify/next library that enables Next.js Advanced Middleware on Netlify requires Edge Functions and is subject to the limitations of Edge Functions.

# Opt out of Netlify Edge Functions

If you opt out of using Netlify Edge Functions for Middleware, regular serverless functions will handle your requests and responses.

Opting out of Edge Functions exposes you to the limitations of regular serverless functions:

  • You can’t use Netlify’s Next.js Advanced Middleware library @netlify/next.
  • Regular Netlify Functions don’t have access to request.geo.
  • When the Middleware runs at the origin, it is run after Netlify rewrites and redirects. If a static file is served by the Netlify CDN, then the Middleware is never run, as Middleware only runs when a page is served by Next.js. This means that any pages that match Middleware routes are served from the origin rather than the CDN.

To opt out, create an environment variable named NEXT_DISABLE_NETLIFY_EDGE and set it to true. If you have the option to set specific scopes for your environment variables, the scope must include Builds to be available during the build process.

# Next.js Advanced Middleware with the @netlify/next library

Regular Next.js Middleware doesn’t provide access to the actual response. Instead, it allows you to return a NextResponse object, which is used by the handler to modify the response headers when they are eventually returned.

Calling doesn’t actually send a request to the origin. It’s a placeholder for setting response headers that are applied later. It also doesn’t let you modify the request, but instead can return a rewrite(). The wrapper uses the returned rewrite() to modify the request.

To provide improved access to requests and responses, Netlify created a library called @netlify/next. This library works with requests and responses in much the same way that Netlify Edge Functions do, but with some additional Next.js-specific helpers.

@netlify/next requires Edge Functions

@netlify/next requires Netlify’s Edge Functions and is subject to the limitations of Edge Functions. If you opt out of Edge Functions, then you can’t use @netlify/next.

Improved access to requests and responses enables excellent features, and @netlify/next has several ready to go:

  • HTML rewrites
  • Page data transforms
  • Request headers
  • Access to response body

# HTML rewrites

This feature enables rewriting the HTML of Next.js pages. It includes a simple replaceText function but also support for more powerful transforms using the HTMLRewriter stream transformer. This enables personalization of pages at the edge, with no need for SSR. It works with ISR and static pages too.

# Page data transforms

Next.js passes getStaticProps and getServerSideProps data to a page component and transfers it either as a JSON data file (for internal navigation with next/link) or embedded in the page’s HTML in a script tag for server-rendered pages.

This feature allows users to modify those props on the fly, in a similar way to the HTML rewrites. This means you can be sure that the hydrated page matches the SSR HTML, avoiding hydration errors. It works with both the data in HTML pages and JSON data requests.

# Request headers

Next.js Middleware allows response headers to be modified. This extends that ability to request headers that are sent to the origin. This is particularly helpful for rewrites to external sites. For example, it allows authentication headers to be added to proxied requests, allowing you to proxy a single page from a password-protected site without sharing credentials with the user.

# Access to response body

The other features make it easier to modify responses. But if you need more powerful changes, you can also get full read and write access to the response body as a stream.

# Install @netlify/next

@netlify/next is not part of the default Next.js Runtime, so you need to install this library in your project. To do so, enter the following in a terminal at the root of your project.

npm install @netlify/next

# @netlify/next API

You can use @netlify/next in your Next.js projects through its API, which includes the MiddlewareRequest and MiddlewareResponse endpoints.

# MiddlewareRequest object

The MiddlewareRequest object is a more powerful version of the standard NextRequest object. You create it by passing NextRequest to the constructor:

import { MiddlewareRequest, type NextRequest } from '@netlify/next';

export async function middleware(nextRequest: NextRequest) {
  const request = new MiddlewareRequest(nextRequest);
  // ...

You can then make changes to the request, such as adding or modifying headers. Or, you can use it to get a MiddlewareResponse object that you can then process.

MiddlewareRequest has several useful methods you can use to handle your requests.

# next() method

Passes the request on to the origin and returns the response.

# rewrite() method

Rewrites the request URL and passes it on to the origin. Can be either an internal or external URL.

# headers object

A normal request headers object, except it is mutable and any changes are used when the request is sent to the origin.

# MiddlewareResponse object

This object is returned by or middlewareRequest.rewrite() and gives access to the full response. This may either be a static HTML file or SSR HTML.

The following object and methods in this section can help you transform the response. You can change the response headers similarly to a regular NextResponse. However, you can also read the response headers coming from the origin.

# originResponse object

The Response object returned from the origin. You should not normally need to access this directly, but should instead use the helper methods below.

# setPageProp() method

Sets the value of a single page prop.

# Syntax

setPageProp(key: string, value: any);
# Parameters
  • key: string
  • value: any. While this parameter’s type is any, you should follow the guidance for props in the Next.js documentation.

# Example

  const request = new MiddlewareRequest(req);
  const response = await;
  const message = `This was static but has been transformed in ${}`;

  response.setPageProp("message", message);

# replaceText() method

Replaces the text content of an element. It can either take a string or a function that is passed the current value and returns the new value. This should be text that was generated from props, and you should use setPageProp to change the prop as well.

# Syntax

replaceText(selector: string, valueOrReplacer: string | ((input: string) => string));
# Parameters
  • selector: string
  • valueOrReplacer: string | ((input: string) => string))

# Example

  const request = new MiddlewareRequest(req);
  const response = await;
  const message = `This was static but has been transformed in ${}`;

  response.replaceText("#message", message);

# transformData() method

Modifies the returned page data. This is like setPageProp except you can change the whole page data object.

# Syntax

transformData(transform: (props: any) => any);
# Parameters
  • transform: (props: any) => any

# Example

  const request = new MiddlewareRequest(req);
  const response = await;
  const message = `This was static but has been transformed in ${request.geo?.city}`;

  // Transform the response page data
  response.transformData((data) => {
    data.pageProps.message = message;
    data.pageProps.showAd = true;
    return data;

# rewriteHTML() method

Allows the returned HTML to be written using HTMLRewriter.

# Syntax

rewriteHTML(selector: string, handlers: ElementHandlers);
# Parameters
  • selector: string
  • handlers: ElementHandlers

# Example

  const request = new MiddlewareRequest(req);
  const res = await;
  const message = `This was static but has been transformed in ${request.geo?.city}`;

  // Transform the response HTML
  res.rewriteHTML("p[id=message]", {
    text(textChunk) {
      if (textChunk.lastInTextNode) {
      } else {

# Response caveats

Modifying the response can cause React hydration errors if the hydrated page content doesn’t match the HTML returned from the server. There are two ways around this.

Ideally, you can change both the text content and the prop. That would mean the value will still match.

If that’s not possible (for example, if the displayed HTML is too complex to generate), then you can use two-pass rendering for the element. This is when you don’t render the element in SSR, but instead update the state in useEffect and then display it at that point. The logic for this can be encapsulated in a custom hook.

For example:

import * as React from "react";

const useHydrated = () => {
  const [hydrated, setHydrated] = React.useState(false);
  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return hydrated;

const Page = ({ message, showAd }) => {
  const hydrated = useHydrated();

  return (
      {hydrated && showAd ? (
          <p>This is an ad that isn't shown by default</p>
          <img src="" />
      ) : (
        <p>No ads for me</p>

export async function getStaticProps() {
  return {
    props: {
      showAd: false,

export default Page;

# Modify request headers

Headers on the MiddlewareRequest object can be added or modified, and the changed headers will then be passed along to the origin if you call or middlewareRequest.rewrite().

You can also modify headers on the original NextRequest object, and they will be passed along in the same way. This can be used for many things. For example, to add authentication headers to an externally proxied request or attach a bucket name header for A/B testing.

const { pathname } = req.nextUrl;
const request = new MiddlewareRequest(req);

if (pathname.startsWith("/api/hello")) {
  // Add a header to the request
  request.headers.set("x-hello", "world");


if (pathname.startsWith("/headers")) {
  // Add a header to the rewritten request
  request.headers.set("x-hello", "world");
  return request.rewrite("/api/hello");