Platform /

What is Netlify?

Netlify is a framework-agnostic composable platform that empowers enterprises and cross-functional teams to build high-performing modern web experiences that can scale, innovate, and ship to production faster.

Netlify’s composable platform empowers developers, cross-functional teams, and enterprises to:

# Composable web architecture

A composable web architecture offers efficiency and cost-savings, from how you build, run, and deploy your site on our global CDN, to how you source and manage your site’s content and feedback cycles.

With Netlify’s platform based on composable web architecture, developers can ship and iterate faster, choose the best tool for the job and swap tools freely, build with the future in mind using site architecture designed to adapt to changing frameworks and integrations, and boost cross-functional productivity.

Learn more with these resources:

# Framework-agnostic

Netlify is designed to work flexibly with your desired framework. Our platform primitives, such as our Image CDN, caching, Edge Functions, and more allow you to optimize your site performance with any framework. Learn more about Platform primitives and our Framework support.

For framework-specific guidance, you can check out our Framework docs, Ask Netlify, or DevHub guides.

# Netlify SDK

Extend the Netlify platform to use your preferred services and tools, and streamline developer workflows. For example, you can build support for custom data sources in Connect or add security optimizations at the network edge.

You can build your own private integration for your team or build a partner integration that is available to others. You may want to check out our existing integrations before you start.

Learn more with these resources:

# Platform features

Netlify allows developers to customize site experiences and workflows with greater efficiency and ease. Learn about how Netlify can boost your workflows and more with the features outlined below.

Will Netlify work for my use case?

For help with specific use cases, check out our Developer Guides. You can also try using Ask Netlify or ask in our Netlify Forums. Depending on your plan, you may also want to reach out your account representative or Support.

# Build and deploy your site on the Edge

Build and deploy your site on our global CDN and Netlify Edge network using any JavaScript framework. This allows your site or app’s pages to load near instantly anywhere around the world.

Learn more about building and deploying your site on Netlify and the frameworks we officially support.

# Release faster with deploy management features

Simplify and accelerate your release process with deploy management options that lets you do the following:

# Visually edit site content for faster and more efficient publishing

Enable content publishing teams to publish content faster and visually edit site content including page layout and SEO metadata in real-time from a preview site using our visual editor. Developers can fully customize site components with any tech stack and use any content source.

Learn more about configuring the visual editor as a developer or using the visual editor to publish and manage content.

# Unify data sources for faster content loading and optimized workflows

Using Netlify Connect, integrate content from multiple sources into a single data unification layer that is cached at the network edge and is optimized for global availability, reliability, and performance. Data is easily accessible through a scalable GraphQL API, allowing you to optimize content workflows while also ensuring fast content load times for your users.

Plus, the ability to sync data from legacy systems alongside a modern CMS allows you to create data redundancy and offers a risk-free approach to modernizing your web architecture.

Learn more about unifying and managing data sources.

# Monitor site performance and site activity

Understand and review how your site is performing and how site visitors interact with your site using these monitoring tools:

# Apply security best practices

Ensure your release process is secure and that site deploys and private site content are protected. You can also customize how your site responds to attacks and limit site access from certain geolocations or IP addresses.

Netlify Advanced Web Security is designed for the security needs of enterprises and offers Web Application Firewall (WAF), Firewall Traffic Rules, and Rate limiting.

Learn more about our security features, get the latest compliance info, or learn your options for protecting site deploys or gatekeeping certain site content.

# Next steps

Explore more about Netlify with these resources: