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Secure access to Netlify

Ensure only trusted team members can access Netlify by configuring a secure login to Netlify and managing access across your sites and teams.

# Configure a secure Netlify login

To reduce the risk of security breaches, we recommend you configure single sign-on (SSO) login with an identity provider using either Team SSO or Organization SSO. We recommend Organization SSO for the most scalable security and SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) provisioning.

For more robust security, we recommend enforcing SSO by enabling strict SSO in Netlify when you configure team or organization SSO.

# Manage access control

As a Team Owner, you can limit a Developer’s access to sites within your team. Learn more on managing site access.

To securely manage user access at scale, we recommend setting up SCIM Directory Sync through a supported identity provider with Netlify. SCIM Directory Sync allows Organization Owners to manage Netlify access for users across multiple Netlify teams and to manage access directly from your identity provider.