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Heads-up Display

This feature is in Beta.

Enable informational UI on your production site — for your teammates only — to show at-a-glance stats and helpful links.

# Overview

The Heads-up Display (HUD) provides your teammates at-a-glance information about the published deploy, and offers quick entry points back into the Netlify product suite.

A screenshot of the Heads-up Display UI, fixed to the bottom of a window

# Use cases

Links in the Heads-up display allow your teammates to do the following quickly:

  • edit content quickly with deep links to a specific page to edit in Visual Editor Studio
  • change site settings
  • understand what changes were last published and when with a link to the commit of the last published deploy in your Git provider (version control provider)

What your Netlify teammates can do from the HUD on your production site depends on their:

  • Netlify role
  • access to Visual Editor Studio
  • access to your Git provider (version control provider)

# Visibility

By default, the Heads-up Display is not enabled.

Any Developer or Team Owner can enable the Heads-up Display for the last published deploy of a production site.

Once the HUD is enabled, your teammates can find the HUD on your production site when they open the HUD special link. The HUD special link contains a query parameter that tells Netlify to inject a lightweight script that renders the HUD, and saves a cookie so that the HUD remains visible without the query parameter needing to be present.

Teammates can toggle the Heads-up Display on or off using the keyboard shortcut ⌘\ on Apple or ^\ on Windows/Linux.

Note that the Heads-up Display is different and separate from the Netlify Drawer, which can be available on Deploy Previews and branch deploys.

The Netlify Drawer enables a wide range of stakeholders to share context-rich feedback on your site and integrates into project tracking tools. The Netlify Drawer also requires people to log in before they can access it.

In contrast, once the Heads-up Display is enabled for a site, anyone with a special HUD link of the production site can find the Heads-up Display. However, they will not be able to go to your site settings or site editor tools from the HUD unless they are also logged into Netlify.

# Configure the Heads-up Display

By default, the Heads-up Display is turned off.

As a Developer or Team Owner, to enable the Heads-up Display:

  1. Go to , and select Configure.

A screenshot of the configuring the Heads-up Display as a site setting in the Netlify UI

  1. Choose whether to enable or turn off the Heads-up Display on production for your Netlify teammates.

  2. To confirm, select Save.

  3. Select the clipboard icon button to copy the special URL to your clipboard. Your teammates must visit your production site from this special URL in order to find the HUD.

# Share product feedback

Your feedback to the Netlify Product team can improve your Heads-up Display experience and help us prioritize updates.

To share your Heads-up Display product feedback, select the plus (+) icon in the HUD, or follow this link.

# Limitations

Pages rendered from a Netlify Function (SSR/ISR) currently do not inject the Heads-up Display.