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Understand domains

Learn the fundamentals of working with domains on Netlify.

A domain name is the URL or web address where visitors find your site.

To access your deploys on Netlify, you can set up a custom domain or use the default Netlify subdomain.

# Supported custom domains

Custom domains allow you to make your sites accessible at your own domain names, such as or All top-level domains are supported for your custom domain.

Netlify supports custom domains for your production site, Deploy Previews, and branch deploys.

For example:

For more example custom domains, check out the chart below.

# Default Netlify subdomain

Unless you’ve set up a basic password protection or authentication, a production site/app on Netlify is accessible from its Netlify subdomain, which takes the form [name-of-your-site] Note that you can change the name of your site to change this Netlify subdomain.

For example, if your site is named brave-curie-12345, then by default your site is available at

Learn more about other types of default Netlify subdomains for other types of deploys in the chart below.

# Example domains for deploys

Your site deploys can have different domain patterns based on the type of site deploy.

# Custom domain examples

Site deploy type Custom domain Use case
Production deploy Can set a primary domain for your production site.
Deploy Preview Can set a custom domain for Deploy Previews with an automatic deploy subdomain.
Branch deploy for a branch named staging Branch subdomain:

Automatic deploy subdomain: or
Can set a custom domain for your branch deploys with an automatic deploy subdomain or branch subdomains.

# Netlify subdomain examples

By default, your site deploys are available at a URL using the Netlify subdomain The Netlify subdomain URLs will always work even if you set up a custom domain for your site.

Site deploy type Netlify subdomain Use case
Production deploy URL Typically a placeholder URL, ideal for internal development before assigning a custom domain for site visitors.
Deploy Preview Unique URL for previewing and collaborating on each pull/merge request.
Branch deploy for a branch named staging

Note: With a branch subdomain set up, the URL can be
Long-standing URL ideal for internal testing, QA teams, and ongoing development. To set up branch deploys, check out branch deploy controls.
Atomic deploy Unique URL for a specific successful deploy. Also called deploy permalinks or just permalinks. Unlike the other site deploys, the web content at this URL never changes. A new deploy permalink is generated for each successful deploy of your site.