Visual editing /Visual Editor /

Content presets

Presets are predetermined variations of content that can be used to provide content editors with a quick way to create new, visually-rich pages and components.

With Visual Editor, both pages and components are represented by content models, and presets must be defined against a specific model.

Component presets view.

# How presets work

Preset definitions are read by Visual Editor, and the results displayed when a content editor chooses to create a page or new component. When the page is created or the component added to a page, Visual Editor adds the new content to the site based on the preset's configuration.

An example of adding a new component from a preset can be seen in the image above.

By default, presets are stored in files in the .stackbit/presets directory within your repository. However, presets can be stored in a remote content source if configured correctly. See below for more information on both of these scenarios.

# File-based presets

By default, Visual Editor looks for presets defined in the .stackbit/presets directory. This can be customized using the presetSource option.

Preset files each define one or more presets for one particular content model used in your site. Learn more about the preset configuration API.

  "model": "Card",
  "presets": [
    // preset config ...

# API-based presets

Visual Editor will store presets in a remote content source under the following conditions:

  • The contentSources property is used to define the content source.
  • A defined content source includes a stackbitPreset model, with the following fields:
    • label (string)
    • thumbnail (media/image)
    • data (json/text)


After configuring the visual editor in the cloud, the container must be restarted for the remote preset source to be picked up.

Using this feature has the following side-effects and conditions:

  • Visual Editor will use the first stackbitPreset model it finds from sources defined in contentSources, starting from the first element in the array.
  • File-based presets can not also be used and the presetSource property will be ignored.

# Create presets

The easiest way to create presets is to use the Save as Preset feature, available to content editors.

# How Save as Preset works

When a preset is created, Visual Editor does the following:

  1. Stores the preset's content in the appropriate location, based on configuration.
  2. Generates a thumbnail preview of the component, and places the file in the appropriate source. (For file-based presets, this is in the .stackbit/presets/images directory.)

# Use Save as Preset

To save a component as a preset, select it by clicking on it in Visual Editor and then choosing the Save as preset icon.

Save as preset for components.

For pages, the icon looks the same, but is shown at the top of the page editor panel.

Save as preset for pages.

# Preset categories

Categories provide a means for you to organize your presets however you would prefer. You can create new categories when creating new presets.

These categories are then surfaced when creating a component from a preset.

Saved preset categories.

# Build presets from scratch

Because presets are stored as JSON files or records in your content source, you can also build presets from scratch.

If doing so, we recommend working locally and using the preset configuration API reference to see the available options.


Be sure to add a thumbnail images to your presets when creating manually so your editors know how the new component is going to appear on the page.

# Edit presets

Presets can not be edited through Visual Editor. Unless you want to write code, the easiest thing to do is to:

  1. Create a component from the saved preset
  2. Adjust necessary values
  3. Delete the existing preset (see below)
  4. Save a new preset with the adjusted content

If you want to edit directly instead, see the API reference to learn about preset files and their structure.

# Delete presets

Not all presets are able to be deleted. If a preset can be deleted, there will be a trash can icon when you hover on the preset in the new preset menu.

Delete preset.

# Share presets across projects


This applies to file-based presets only. Presets stored in a remote content source are automatically shared among projects using that source.

The presetSource property makes it possible to load presets from the node_modules directory in your project. This unlocks the ability to share presets across multiple projects.

To add shared presets to your project:

  1. Publish your shared presets to NPM (or similar registry)
  2. Add the package as a dependency in your project
  3. Use the presetSource option to add the proper path to the directory in the package containing the presets
export default {
  presetSource: {
    type: "files",
    presetDirs: ["node_modules/some-package/.stackbit/presets", "my-presets"]
  // other properties ...

# Develop shared presets

When building shared presets, you want to make sure they are going to be available to your shared projects before publishing. To do so, we recommend working locally with an example project that links to some other local directory (or Git submodule) to ensure the presets are configured properly.

# Handle nested objects

When a content source supports nested content, Visual Editor will store presets with appropriately nested content. As a result, a preset may contain information relating to more than one model.

# Standalone child presets

Any component represented by a model can also have standalone presets. For example, a CardGrid preset could include Card presets, and you could also have separate presets for Card objects.

The benefit of this is that:

  • When an editor adds the grid preset, they have some placeholder content for cards (rather than an empty space).
  • Editors also have a series of options when creating new cards. After they've added a grid, they can then move quickly in adding new cards as needed.

# Handle references

When a component contains a reference field, how the reference is created depends on your configuration.


Changes you make to the global configuration of presets only apply to new presets, given that presets are stored as files.