Site & team management /Security /Secure access to sites /Authenticate with Identity /

Manage existing Identity users

You can access and manage settings for an individual Identity user.

  1. Navigate to the Integrations tab for your site.

  2. Select Identity.

  3. On the Netlify Identity integration, select View.

  4. Select an individual Identity user entry from the list.

# User password recovery

From an individual Identity user page, use Send reset password email to trigger an email to the user, following the password recovery email template. The .ConfirmationURL variable in that email will include your site address with a recovery_token appended. The Netlify Identity widget will handle this link automatically, or you can develop a custom password reset form with gotrue-js.

# User account metadata

Information stored in this section will be set in the Identity user object on the /user endpoint in the GoTrue API (accessible with auth.currentUser() in gotrue-js). You can edit these fields by selecting Edit settings on an individual Identity user page:

  • Name: Identity user editable; set under "user_metadata": {"full_name": "Jessica Jones"}
  • Email: Identity user editable; triggers email change confirmation email; changes Identity user login credentials; set under "user_metadata": {"email": ""}
  • Roles: not Identity user editable; you can assign one or more roles of your choosing, then use them to control access to areas or functionality in your site by checking this property: "app_metadata": {"roles": ["investigator", "photographer"]}. You can also use these roles with other Netlify services, like Git Gateway and role-based access control.