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Roles and permissions

Owners can assign roles to individuals invited to a team and manage their access and permissions across the Netlify platform.

# Overview

A role defines a standard set of permissions that a person has by default once they are assigned that role.

Since Netlify roles are optimized for cross-functional collaboration across the Netlify platform, a role can determine a person’s access to different parts of the platform. An Owner can also customize site access for certain roles.

A Team Owner can manage team roles and invite or remove new members from the Members page in Team Settings unless you’ve set up SCIM to manage access control through an identity provider. Learn more about your options to manage a team.

To optimize content publishing workflows, a Team Owner, Developer, or Publisher can customize even more granular editorial permissions for Visual Editor.

# Access

Owners can customize site access and Visual Editor access for certain roles. Other roles have predetermined access that Owners can’t modify, such as Billing Admins who have limited access to the Netlify platform beyond reviewing and managing billing.

Team Owners can access all settings, sites, and resources owned by the team. Only Organization Owners can access organization settings for Enterprise plans that have set up an organization.

# Site access

An Owner can choose which sites people in these roles can access:

  • Developers
  • Publishers
  • Content Editors
  • Reviewers

Git Contributors have no access to the Netlify platform beyond being able to trigger a deploy and access site preview links that appear in pull/merge requests, Slack, or other places.

Git Contributors can access site preview links for Deploy Previews and branch deploys as long as the links do not require Netlify Team Login, Netlify SSO, or other forms of authentication that a Git Contributor does not have.

# Visual Editor access

By default, all Developers, Publishers, and Content Editors in a team can access that team’s Visual Editor dashboard. Reviewers can access preview links from Visual Editor.

Within Visual Editor workspace, Owners, Developers, and Publishers can customize more granular access to Visual Editor projects, which are sites that have Visual Editor enabled and configured. Learn more about editorial permissions for Visual Editor.

Before a site can be edited with Visual Editor, a Team Owner or Developer must enable Visual Editor for that site and complete any necessary configuration so the site works with Visual Editor.

# Roles and permissions

Role options vary by plan.

This overview summarizes the permissions for each role. For a description of each role, check out the roles overview.

# Standard roles and permissions

Owner Developer Billing Admin Git Contributor Reviewer
Create sites
Trigger builds (Trigger from Git/deploy from Git)
Access and edit site configuration
Collaborate using the Netlify Drawer to share feedback on preview sites
Change levels for site add-ons
Modify billing information
Change team plan
Add or remove extra concurrent builds
Add or remove members
Add and approve Reviewers
Modify member roles
Edit team settings
Deploy to sites from private repos
Add or edit data layers in Netlify Connect
Delete data layers in Netlify Connect
Add or edit cross-references in Netlify Connect
Delete cross-references in Netlify Connect
Add, edit, or delete API tokens in Netlify Connect
Add or edit API scopes in Netlify Connect
Delete API scopes in Netlify Connect
Delete or transfer sites
Delete the team
Access preview site links for sharing feedback

# Visual Editor roles and permissions

These roles can access Visual Editor:

  • Publisher
  • Content Editor
  • Developer
  • Team Owner
  • Reviewer

There are more customizable permissions available in Visual Editor.

Team Owners, Developers, Publishers, and other users with the Manage Collaborators permission can customize editorial permissions, create and manage member groups that can be assigned to projects, and choose who can access a project in Visual Editor workspace. Note that a project is a site that you can edit with Visual Editor.

Learn more about these options in Editorial permissions.

# Roles

When you add a person to your team, you must assign them a role. For some roles, you must also choose which sites they can access.

Netlify team roles include:

# Owner

Owners can access the entire team account and are able to add or remove members, adjust settings and roles, create and delete sites, and more. If user access control is managed by SCIM through an identity provider, then an identity provider admin will be able to invite and remove members.

# Team Owner

Every team must have at least one Owner at all times and can have multiple Owners. Owners cannot remove or demote themselves unless there is at least one additional Owner on the team.

A Team Owner is a paid role, which means they contribute to your total member count and are included on your bill.

# Organization Owner

If you have a Enterprise plan, you have the option of setting up an Organization. Organizations can have multiple teams and are managed by one or more Organization Owner.

Organization Owners have the Team Owner role in all teams by default.

# Developer

Collaborators are now Developers

As a part of expanding Netlify roles, the role formerly called Collaborator is now called the Developer role. The role retains the same main permissions with some expanded access and permissions in Visual Editor. Learn more about this change in the blog post.

Developers can manage site deploys and other site configuration needs.

Team Owners can change site access to allow Developers to work on all sites within the team, or only on specific sites. Developers with access to a site can do things like trigger builds, edit site configuration, and more.

Developers can configure a site for use in Visual Editor. They can also edit, publish, and manage project collaborators in Visual Editor. Learn more about what Developers can do in Visual Editor.

Developers can also approve or block Reviewers so Reviewers can use the Netlify Drawer to review branch deploys or Deploy Previews.

Although Developers can remove themselves from a team, they can’t remove other members.

Developers are paid roles. They contribute to your total member count and are included on your bill.

# Publisher

A Publisher can do everything a Content Editor can do in Visual Editor but they can also publish content, schedule when to publish content, and manage Visual Editor project collaborators. Learn more about Publishers.

# Content Editor

A Content Editor can edit content in Visual Editor but they cannot publish content live to your site. Content editing includes drafting and saving text, managing images, managing SEO settings, and customizing layouts. Content Editors can save a version of their work for review or follow-up with a Publisher. Learn more about Content Editors.

# Git Contributor

When a non-team member triggers a build, a Team Owner can choose to add them to the team as a Git Contributor. Git Contributors can trigger builds, deploys, or Deploy Previews through Netlify from a private Git repository. They do not have access to the Netlify app or your team’s Netlify workspace.

If you’re a Team Owner, you can add new Git Contributors to your team manually for each deploy request, or automatically by enabling auto-approval in Team Settings.

If you are on a Core Pro or Enterprise plan, you will be charged for Git Contributors who have triggered a deploy during your team’s billing period. These active Git Contributors also contribute to your total member count. The Members page shows a list of your team’s active and inactive Git Contributors.

If a Git Contributor hasn’t collaborated on any of your team’s sites during a billing period, they will be marked as inactive and you will not be charged for them. If needed, you can remove inactive Git Contributors from your team.

Reference the Billing FAQ page for more details.

# Reviewer

Once a Team Owner or Developer approves a Reviewer, that person can access preview links across sites in the team so they can share site feedback on Deploy Previews or on branch deploys.

A Team Owner can add an unlimited number of Reviewers to your team for free. Reviewers do not contribute to your total member count, and are not included on your bill.

Reviewers can also access read-only preview links from Visual Editor.

To learn how to give site feedback as a Reviewer, check out our Reviewers quickstart.

# Billing Admin

This feature is available on Enterprise plans.

Billing Admins can change the team plan and modify billing information, but do not have access to other team or site features.